CSCL in Times of Crisis Webinar Series
The Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) community of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) together with the Network of Academic Programs in the Learning Sciences (NAPLeS) are offering a live webinar series with presentations as well as Q & A about effective practices, approaches, and tools for fostering a sense of co-presence and community in online teaching and learning.
The 13 webinars will take place weekly, beginning Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 at 3 pm (GMT, London).
The next webinar will be presented by Kris Isaacson and Kevin Tharp, University of Wisconsin-Stout:
Fostering Social Presence and Sense of Belonging in University Students by Creating an Extracurricular Online Community
The goals related to building an online community outside the classroom is to create a positive, holistic learning experience that contributes to improved engagement, sense of belonging, and retention. A well-curated online community provides scaffolds for building social presence. It also encourages interaction between groups of students who are usually perceived as separate groups (e.g., campus-based and online), thus enabling a sense of cohesion and mutual support. Studies suggest increased social presence and sense of belonging contribute to higher levels of engagement and retention among college students.
More info at