The Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) is the premier venue for learning sciences and computer-supported collaborative learning researchers to present and publish their research about learning across schools, homes, workplaces, and communities. Prior to 2021, the same conference programs were offered as International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) and the Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) conferences. Within computer science communities, CSCL is well regarded within its discipline area. In computing and computing education communities, conference proceedings papers are the expected output for highly productive academics.
A primary focus of work from these conferences is to share understanding about how learning is enabled by knowledge, tools, collaboration, networks, and social structures. The review process for papers and posters presented at the two ISLS conferences (ICLS and CSCL) is extremely rigorous. The papers that make up the proceedings are highly cited in the field of Learning Sciences to advance knowledge production. For acceptance into the refereed proceedings, each paper and poster is reviewed by at least two reviewers, one senior reviewer who is a leading scholar in the field, and at least one program committee member. The acceptance rate for papers into the refereed proceedings is generally 30%, comparable with acceptance rates at selective computer science conferences (CHI 2019: 24.3%, SIGGRAPH 2019: 28%, 2019 CSCW: 26%, AIED: 25%)
The proceedings papers are citable, including ISBN, digital object identifiers (doi), and page numbers. The papers are also accessible after each conference. Thus, acceptance into the Proceedings of the ISLS Conference Programs is a sign of scholarly excellence and recognition from an international community of colleagues.
View the ISLS Proceedings in the Publications Repository