Associate/Full Professor of Reading in Diverse Settings
Website University of Wisconsin-Madison
Literacy scholars have engaged deeply with linguistic diversity and difference, other intersections of difference (race, culture, class, gender, etc.), and the inextricable link between multilingualism and multiliteracies. We seek candidates who engage in a robust program of reading research and scholarship that speaks to intersectional diversity and difference, including language and educational equity, and who are prepared to provide leadership in multiple areas, including teacher education and graduate reading-specific programs and certifications.
Successful candidates will join a vibrant area of languages and literacies with faculty members who are committed to centering their work on educational equity and social justice, teacher education, and human rights. We are open to a wide array of theoretical perspectives on and methodological approaches to educational research and scholarship.
Principal Duties include, but are not limited to:
* Establish a nationally and internationally recognized research agenda in reading education.
* Teach literacy and related language arts courses in the undergraduate Elementary Teacher Education Program and the Wisconsin State Reading Teacher and Reading Specialist Programs; certification courses on bilingual/ESL education would be an additional possibility.
* Advise graduate and undergraduate students.
* Engage in an active and externally funded program of research and scholarship regarding reading in diverse settings.
* Participating in shared faculty governance
* Providing leadership and service at the national, state, and local levels.
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