
ISLS-Affiliated Journals


ijCSCL — International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Published by Springer, ijCSCL publishes papers reflecting the interests of the international CSCL community. ijCSCL’s primary focus is on how learning unfolds in the context of collaborative activity and how to design effective technological and pedagogical settings to support collaborative learning. It features empirically grounded studies and descriptive analyses of interaction in groups, which investigate the emergence, development and use of practices, processes and mechanisms of collaborative learning. Discussions of technological supports, theoretical perspectives, assessment or evaluation designs, analysis methods and pedagogical approaches related to collaborative learning are also published.

Visit the ISLS ijCSCL page or Springer Online for more information.


JLS — Journal of the Learning Sciences

Published by Taylor & Francis, JLS is a multidisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of important ideas that can change our understanding of learning and teaching. JLS has been in the top five of most-cited journals in education for the past five years.

Visit the ISLS JLS page or Taylor & Francis Online for more information.

Both journals are high-quality, peer-reviewed research journals and ISLS members receive free access to the online digital versions – log in and navigate to Publications > Online Journal Access. Physical copies of either journal can also be received at an additional cost.

Other Journals of Interest

Cognition and Instruction journal

Cognition and Instruction

Cognition and Instruction considers problems in cognition and instruction, along with the evidence that would allow others to participate in the exercise of such imagination. The journal invites careful consideration of how methods and theories are reflexively constituted in accounts of teaching and learning and the development of pragmatic theories that offer empirically well-grounded accounts of cognition in designed contexts, such as schools, museums, and workplaces.

Computer-Based Learning In Context

Computer-Based Learning in Context is a new completely and permanently free and open-access journal for rigorous scientific research on computer-based learning in context. We are particularly interested in how learners’ contexts impact their interactions, within as well as around computer-based learning, and how those differences in interaction impact learning, long-term learner outcomes, and educational effectiveness.

Instructional Science journal

Instructional Science

Instructional Science promotes a deeper understanding of the nature, theory, and practice of the instructional process and resultant learning. Published papers represent a variety of perspectives from the learning sciences and cover learning by people of all ages, in all areas of the curriculum, and in informal and formal learning contexts. Emphasizing reports of original empirical research, the journal stands out by providing space for full and detailed reporting of major studies. These include studies addressing learning processes, learning technology, learner characteristics, and learning outcomes. Regardless of the topic, all papers published in the journal make a contribution to the science of instruction by drawing out the instructional implications of new research on learning.

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning (IJPBL)

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning (IJPBL)

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning (IJPBL) is a quarterly published, peer-reviewed journal that seeks to challenge, stimulate, and provoke additional research in the area of problem-based learning (PBL). IJPBL offers a forum for problem-based learning research across disciplines. This scholarly journal publishes the most relevant information about problem-based learning pedagogy and is the first of its kind in this exciting field. Articles inside IJPBL offer readers instruction and insights into the best new teaching and learning practices in a variety of disciplines. IJPBL is filled with challenging and practical research that may be used by educators in numerous disciplines to implement problem-based learning in their own classrooms. IJPBL will also be of great help to all those who wish to use problem-based learning more effectively in their K-12 and post-secondary classrooms.

Journal of AI in Education

Journal of AI in Education

The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education publishes papers and other items concerned with the application of artificial intelligence techniques and concepts to the design of systems to support learning.

Journal of Engineering Education

Journal of Engineering Education

The Journal of Engineering Education is a peer-reviewed international journal published quarterly by the American Society for Engineering Education. It serves as an archival record of scholarly research in engineering education. The journal publishes research articles on a wide variety of topics relevant to engineering education, including educational innovations that improve student learning and performance, expositions synthesizing papers or reports that have influenced engineering education today and where it is or should be headed, developments in assessment processes and methodologies, and community outreach or technical literacy.

Journal of Learning Analytics

Journal of Learning Analytics

The Journal of Learning Analytics is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, disseminating the highest quality research on the development and application of data science methods to the distinct characteristics, needs, and concerns of educational data in order to better understand and support learning. The interdisciplinary focus of the journal recognizes that computational, pedagogical, institutional, policy and social domains must be brought into dialogue with each other to ensure that learning analytic and organizational systems are created and deployed in ways that serve the needs of all stakeholders. The journal welcomes papers that either describe original research or offer a review of the state of the art in a particular area. The journal also welcomes practical reports that detail learning analytics applications in real-world settings or reports that describe novel datasets, tools or methods to analyze data, provided that they offer innovative insights for advancing the field.

Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal

Mind, Culture, and Activity

Mind, Culture, and Activity is an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the study of the human mind in its cultural and historical contexts. Articles draw upon research and theory in a variety of disciplines, including anthropology, cognitive science, education, linguistics, psychology, and sociology. Particular emphasis is placed upon research that seeks to resolve methodological problems associated with the analysis of human action in everyday activities and theoretical approaches that place culture and activity at the center of attempts to understand human nature.