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Visit this page for news, resources for reviewing and writing at ijCSCL, and information about ways to engage with articles once they’re published.
The publisher’s website for this journal is located at springer.com/journal/11412.
About ijCSCL
The primary aim of the journal is to promote a deeper understanding of the nature, theory and practice of the uses of computer-supported collaborative learning. A main focus is on how people learn in the context of collaborative activity and how to design the technological settings for collaboration.
Peter Reimann (https://www.sydney.edu.au/arts/about/our-people/academic-staff/peter-reimann.html) and Michael Baker (https://www.telecom-paris.fr/michael-baker) have recently taken up the position as new Co-Editors-in-Chief of the International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, beginning in January of 2024. Their term will extend for 4 years from that date.
The journal was founded in 2006 by Gerry Stahl (gerrystahl.net), who worked tirelessly to establish the journal as one of the top ranked journals both in Education and in Information Sciences. This journal is his legacy, and we are grateful as a field for his tremendous efforts on our behalf. Four years ago, he stepped down and Sten Ludvigsen (www.uv.uio.no/iped/english/people/aca/stenl) stepped up to lead the journal from its adolescence into its young adult years, with an established process for leadership transitions going forward.
In 2019, Sanna Järvelä and Carolyn Rosé took over from Sten, and had to deal right away with the implications of the Covid pandemic on academic publishing. They shepherded the journal through this difficult time with aplomb and extended the international reach of the journal even further during their tenure. In January 2024, they handed over the editor role to Michael Baker and Peter Reimann.
Members of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) are entitled to a free subscription to ijCSCL.
ijCSCL is a high-quality, peer-reviewed academic journal reflecting the interests of the international CSCL community. It appears quarterly in print and online. ijCSCL is indexed and abstracted by ISI (Thomson Reuters, 5 year Impact factor 3.459) in:
- Social Sciences Citation Index® / Social Scisearch®
- Journal Citation Reports / Social Sciences Edition
- Current Contents® / Social and Behavioral Sciences
Introducing the June 2021 issue
The June issue of the journal is now available in preprint form from the Springer website as well as at ijcscl.org as of Summer 2021 (coming here soon!). The four full papers of this issue contribute to two topical themes: namely, studies of regulation strategies and new methods for scaling up design and evaluation, both of which are critical themes at this time in the history of our field. An editorial by the co-editors-in-chief highlight the message these articles offer regarding CSCL in the age of COVID 19.
Call for Papers
The International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL) is seeking submissions of journal-quality papers. The publisher’s official website for this journal is located at www.springer.com/journal/11412 and includes instructions for authors and other important information. For an overview of submission procedures, please see www.isls.org/journals/ijcscl/submission-procedures.
Editorial Board
- Co-Editors-in-Chief: Peter Reimann & Michael Baker
- Executive Editors: Ulrike Cress, Nancy Law, Sten Ludvigsen
- Associate Editors: Carol Chan, Peter Reimann, Nikol Rummel, Gerry Stahl, Pierre Tchounikine
- Editorial Board
Related Links
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction EARLI
American Educational Research Association AERA
International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society AIED
Association for Computing Machinery ACM