2018 Call for ISLS Fellows Nominations

Deadline for Receipt of Materials: April 23, 2018

We are pleased to invite nominations for the 2018 cohort of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Fellows.

The International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Fellows program has three main goals:

  • Honor those who have made major research accomplishments in advancing the field of the Learning Sciences.
  • Identify people who continue to take leadership roles in ISLS and serve as role models for others in the field.
  • Build a respected cohort of leaders who sustain the ISLS community, strengthen the organization, and advance its broader value and visibility.

Who is eligible for nomination:

Fellows must meet the following criteria:

  1. Senior scholar, as indicated by a minumum of 8 years post Ph. D./Ed. D. or equivalent learning sciences accomplishments.
  2. 4 of last 6 years years as ISLS member (this information can be checked by emailing [email protected] with an inquiry about the person to be nominated).
  3. Record of distinguished and sustained contributions to the learning sciences. (e.g., a high-impact portfolio of work, design of widely-used learning technologies).
  4. Sustained leadership in the learning sciences (e.g., through service to ISLS, high-profile mentoring roles, national/ international community building, and/or journal editorial service).

What to submit:

Submitted nominations must include the following:

  • Letter of nomination that explains how the nominee meets the criteria (maximum length 2 pages).
  • Current CV of the nominee
  • One example publication, creative product or link to creative product (e.g., learning technologies, curriculum materials, etc.)
  • One additional letter of support with a maximum of one page.

Who can submit:

Criteria for nominators and support letter writers:

  • The nominator must be a current ISLS member, from an institution differing from that of the nominee.
  • Nominators and writers of supporting letters should not have mentored or been the mentee during doctoral or postdoctoral work of the individual being nominated.
  • Either the nomination letter, or the support letter, must come from a current ISLS fellow. Fellows may write no more than two letters [nomination or letter of support] in any given year. The list of current ISLS fellows may be found on the ISLS Fellows page.

How to submit:

Email all materials for the nomination to [email protected]. Attachments may be in word or pdf file format and should include the last name of the nominee. Please be sure to include all of the required information in one email with the subject line: Fellows Nomination for .

When to submit:

All materials must be received no later than April 23, 2018. Decisions will be made within 4 weeks of this application deadline.

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