2019 Board of Directors Nominations

Call for Nominations: 
ISLS 2019 Board of Directors 

Dear ISLS members,

One of the most important ways to contribute to the International Society of the Learning Sciences is to serve on the ISLS Board of Directors. The Board consists of 12 ISLS members, who serve terms of 6 years each, and represent the range of expertise, experience levels, and geographical locations of Society members. Elections occur every two years for four board members. The first step in this process is to solicit nominations from the membership. That is the purpose of this email.

Who may be nominated? Board members must be ISLS members in good standing (dues paid for 2019) and, ideally, should have a history of service to the community. None of the current board members may be nominated per the ISLS bylaws that prohibit serving consecutive terms.

Current Board members and terms are:

  • 2013-2019: Joe Polman, Susan Yoon, Nikol Rummel, Carolyn Rosé – With the exception of Joe, these people plus Bill Sandoval (Past President this year) are leaving the Board in 2019. Thus there are four vacancies to be filled in 2019.
  • 2015-2021: Heisawn Jeong, Victor Lee, Jim Slotta, Jan Van Aalst
  • 2017-2023: Joshua Danish, Ulrich Hoppe, Susan Jurow, Oskar Lindwall

Information about current board members is available at https://www.isls.org/about/board-of-directors

Nominees should be willing to take on Board member responsibilities, including monthly teleconference calls, leadership in ISLS business and committee work (including chairing committees), leadership in the ISLS annual conferences (CSCL and ICLS) and other leadership roles associated with the growing, interdisciplinary International Society of the Learning Sciences. Serving on the Board requires a serious commitment and investment of time, however Board members find their terms of service to be rewarding experiences.

The Nomination Process: A Society member in good standing (2019 dues paid) can nominate up to two members, including themselves. To be eligible, a nominee must be a member in good standing (2019 dues paid) of the Society. Student members are not eligible for Board positions but they may nominate up to two members. Questions about membership status may be directed to [email protected].

The Nominating Committee gathers the list of nominations and prepares a slate of candidates for the ballot. The Board can add one nominee per open seat to the slate submitted by the Nomination Committee. The final ballot will be distributed to Society members in good standing during the month of March 2019 for voting.

The Nominations Committee and the ISLS are committed to and value diversity on the Board, in terms of disciplinary background, career stage, methodological or theoretical commitments, geography, and demographics. Nominations that add diversity to the board are especially welcomed. In this regard, and in accordance with the Bylaws, the Board has identified two special purpose vacancies in the 2019 election for

  • one special seat for a Board member from Asia (nominee should be affiliated with an institution geographically situated in Asia) 
  • one special seat with a focus on equity and power, with the intention that it represents scholars in our community who are interested in and conducting research on these topics and would bring these perspectives to Board deliberations.

We especially invite nominations, including self-nominations, of candidates who meet these criteria. For more information on the ISLS non-discrimination policy see https://www.isls.org/about/isls-non-discrimination-policy

Where to Nominate: Use the google form at https://goo.gl/forms/kgb9fYWoukvLupX03.
Deadline: Nominations must be submitted no later than Saturday, January 18, 2019.

We look forward to your nominations. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the chair of the nominations committee, Frank Fischer ([email protected]). Thank you in advance for your participation in this important governance process.

Best regards,

Susan Goldman
ISLS Executive Officer

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