Call for Participation: ICLS Workshop on Learning Analytics for Learning and Becoming in Practice

Call for participation:
ICLS Workshop on Learning Analytics for Learning and Becoming in Practice.

A Workshop at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2014
Submissions due March 28th, Notification of acceptance will be sent out before May 1st (in time for early registration reduction).
Workshop held Full Day, Monday June 23, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Simon Knight and Simon Buckingham Shum, Open University, UK
Alyssa Friend Wise, Simon Fraser University, CA
David Williamson Shaffer, Wesley Collier and Golnaz Arastoopour, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US
Paul A. Kirschner, Open University, NL

Simon Knight: [email protected]

Learning Analytics sits at the intersection of the learning sciences and computational data capture and analysis. Analytics should be grounded in the existing literature with a view to data ‘geology’ over ‘mining’. This workshop explores how analytics may extend the common notion of activity trace data from processes to encompass practices, with a working distinction for discussion as:
Process – series of related actions engaged in as part of learning activities
Practice – repertoire of processes organised around particular foci recognised within a social group
The workshop intersperses attendee presentations/demos with relevant theme-based discussions.

We’re looking for contributions that advance our understanding of the challenges related to using activity trace data to document learning practices. We invite short papers (<4 pages) and demonstrations; accepted submissions will receive short (<10 minute) presentation slots in the workshop. All accepted papers should describe: learning analytics used; the theoretical base/learning science concepts and frameworks drawn on; how their work uses data traces to generate evidence of processes, practices or both; their contribution and/or further areas for discussion. We welcome a variety of papers, including:
Conceptual/theoretical papers might establish a framework for thinking about practice in the context of learning analytics, perhaps providing conceptual analysis of distinctions between practice and process, or the kinds of data and data sources which might be productive in such analysis
Empirical papers might report learning analytics research agendas taking practices as their object of analysis
Technical papers might survey and explain why particular computational techniques and tools may be of particular relevance to practice-based analytics or report a specific tool’s development
Demonstrations will provide motivations for particular systems and ideally link to a demo movie or live demonstration that enables reviewers to see a version in action. We are particularly keen to see submissions for live demos which will receive a slot in the afternoon session.

Papers should use the conference template, and be emailed to Simon Knight [email protected] with the subject line: ICLS14 Workshop.
Submissions should be made by March 28th

Submission Deadline March 28th
Notifications late April (in time for early-registration discount)
Workshop Date June 23rd 2014, Full day workshop

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