Calling all Learning Sciences Students!

While the International Learning Sciences Conference 2020 has moved online, we’d still like to offer an opportunity for scholarly engagement. We, the International Learning Sciences Students Association (ILSSA), are organizing a series of synchronous mini-sessions along with the official launch of ILSSA as a new committee of ISLS.

Here’s our plan:

  • Host a brief launch event introducing ourselves and ILSSA
  • Announce the winner of the ILSSA logo competition
  • Host a series of 5 minute synchronous mini-presentations, grouped by each of the four conference tracks
  • Each group of mini-sessions will include time for questions and discussion

We also understand some people may be interested in participating but face financial barriers. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been able to secure funds to cover ISLS membership fees (at the $60 USD student rate) for a small number of people.

We would love to have you join us. To help us organize, please fill out the following form by June 5:

We will organize a schedule and send out dates/times/links shortly afterwards.

Let us know if you have any questions or want to know more: [email protected]


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