Category: JLS Featured Articles
Unpacking the Learning Ecosystems Framework: Lessons from the Adaptive Management of Biological Ecosystems
Marijke Hecht & Kevin Crowley Is the learning ecosystem framework doing all it can for learning sciences? Marijke Hecht and Kevin Crowley of the University of Pittsburgh…
Situating Data Science: Exploring How Relationships to Data Shape Learning
Michelle Hoda Wilkerson & Joseph L. Polman Read the full article to learn more. Check out the guest editors video introduction to the articles in…
Scaffolding Student Understanding in Small-Group Work: Students’ Uptake of Teacher Support in Subsequent Small-Group Interaction
Janneke van de Pol, Neil Mercer, & Monique Volman Adaptive support that is gradually faded seems most effective in fostering students’ uptake of a teacher’s…
On the Goals of Epistemic Education: Promoting Apt Epistemic Performance
Sarit Barzilai & Clark A. Chinn What does it take to perform well in a post-truth world? Check out this new paper by Barzilai and…
Using Everyday Language to Support Students in Constructing Thematic Representations
Sarah Levine In this study, published in the first issue of 2019, “students constructed thematic interpretations with sentence stems using everyday interpretive language, such as…
Seeing in the Dark: Embodied Cognition in Amateur Astronomy Practice
Flávio S. Azevedo & Michele J. Mann In this study, published in the first issue of 2018, Azevedo and Mann contribute to our understanding of…
What Do We Teach When We Teach the Learning Sciences? A Document Analysis of 75 Graduate Programs
Daniel Sommerhoff, Andrea Szameitat, Freydis Vogel, Olga Chernikova, Kristina Loderer & Frank Fischer In their new study, Daniel Sommerhoff et al. take a close look…