Come study Learning Engineering at Boston Cοllege

Hello Learning Scientists,
Our Learning Engineering MA Program at Boston College (in the Lynch School of Education)  is accepting applications for the fall. Please consider joining us if you want to learn how to design engaging and effective learning experiences. Please pass this on to anyone you know who might want to make a career of designing engaging and effective learning experiences. Our program is an applied learning sciences program; students learn to follow a systematic (but flexible) design process, thinking in terms of systems, gaining imagination about pedagogy and about technology use, taking advantage of learners’ funds of knowledge when designing, designing so that the entire population you are targeting will productively learn, education and design justice, and more.
We have two upcoming open houses (we’ll have others coming up as well). Please pass this on in time for people who might be interested to participate in one of them.
Tuesday, December 14 at 8 AM Eastern
Wednesday, December 15 at 8PM Eastern
Zoom link:
To get best consideration for financial aid, apply by early January; we’ll accept applications after that, but getting them earlier is better.
Hope to see some of you, your colleagues, your students, and your peers at one of our open houses next week.
For more on the program, see
Janet Kolodner and Brian Smith
Co-Directors Learning Engineering MA Program
Lynch School of Education and Human Development
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA

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