Extended deadline: 2020 Early Career Award


The International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Early Career Award

Due: May 1, 2020

The International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Early Career Award recognizes learning scientists who have made exciting and innovative contributions to the field during the early years following their Ph.D. Each year ISLS will select up to two awardees. Nominations can only be made by an ISLS member. Recipients will be announced at the annual ISLS conference.


  1. Nominees for the 2020 award must have earned a Ph.D. or equivalent degree after January 1, 2011 (within 9 years of the year of nomination).
  2. Scholars may be nominated more than once and can only receive the award once.
  3. Nominees must have been a member (full or student) at least one year of the last 3 years from the date of submission (i.e., since April 1, 2017) or demonstrate some other connection to ISLS, as described in the nomination letter.

Evaluation Criteria:

Successful nominees will have demonstrated a notable contribution to the learning sciences and the potential for future contributions.

While service and active participation in the ISLS community indicates the relevance of the nominee’s work to the field, the nominee’s scholarly contribution will be the primary consideration in the deliberation.

  1. Notable learning science contributions are interpreted broadly to include one of any of the following:
    • Research excellence
    • Innovation
    • Impact on pressing social, political, and ethical concerns
  2. Potential for future contributions, such as:
    • Service to the Society
    • Vision for the field
    • Impact on other fields, academic communities, and under-served regions of the world

Nomination Materials:

  1. A nomination letter, written by a current Member of ISLS. (Membership status can be verified by contacting [email protected]) Nomination letters should not exceed 2-pages, single-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.
    • Letters should concisely describe (1) the nominees’ contribution to the learning sciences and the influence the nominee has had on the field, and (2) the potential of the nominee to make future contributions to the learning sciences. The letter should emphasize innovative, novel, or influential contributions.
  2. The nominee’s current Curriculum Vitae, including information of the year of nominee’s highest degree earned.
  3. Representative examples of the nominee’s scholarly contributions
    • A total of no more than 3 examples of the nominee’s work.
    • At least two must be examples of the nominee’s scholarly writings. The third may be an additional scholarly writing, or an artifact, such as a learning technology developed by the nominee.

Nomination Process:

  • Application materials must be submitted prior to 11:59 PM for the nominator’s local time zone of the due date, May 1, 2020.
  • All submitted text information must be compiled into a single PDF document with the name of the nominee in the filename. Multimedia submissions must include the name of the nominee in the filename.
  • Application materials must be submitted at this link, https://tinyurl.com/ISLS-ECA2020.

The Award:

Each Early Career Award recipient will receive a cash award of US$500, an award certificate, and waived registration fees for the subsequent ISLS conference, where the awardee is invited to present on their scholarly work.

Questions may be directed to Dr. Mitchell Nathan at [email protected]

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