Extension until 19th of October of the Call “CSCL in a time of crisis”

Call for contributions to: CSCL in a time of crisis


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed school and higher education on a global scale with the rise of online teaching and learning. Online education typically involves the organization of learning objects for widely self-regulated forms of individual learning. Students and teachers alike often miss out on direct, mutual feedback of co-present social interaction.

Repository of good practices of learning together online

The Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) community of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) together with the Network of Academic Programs in the Learning Sciences (NAPLeS) has started an initiative to collect and disseminate effective practices, approaches, and tools for fostering a sense of co-presence and community in online teaching and learning. Collaborative forms of learning aim to develop practices of collaboration and critical thinking as well as skills for working together, building trust, and equal access to quality education. In a series of online events and resources for realizing CSCL in a time of crisis, the CSCL Community would like to invite CSCL practitioners and researchers to share practical approaches, practices, and tools for learning collaboratively online for building a repository of CSCL practices.


Accepted contributions will be awarded with $800 USD each after introducing the approach in a live broadcast of 60 min including Q & A to be recorded and uploaded, creating a standardized overview of the respective approach, and creating and granting access to necessary resources on the NAPLeS website of the ISLS. Winners will also be invited to submit a brief description of their contribution to the International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.


The call is open to CSCL researchers and practitioners, preferably teaming up to arrive at a broad representation of practices across the globe.


The CSCL topics include but are not limited to:

  • Innovative designs and tools for CSCL
  • Learning analytics in CSCL
  • Learning from peers in CSCL
  • CSCL practices to foster 
  • Collaborative inquiry of today’s authentic challenges, e.g. the pandemic
  • Inter-cultural communication and diversity
  • Education for equity and anti-racism
  • Social presence in online learning
  • Argumentation and critical thinking for scrutinizing online information
  • Building trust, rapport, and social skills
  • Agency, confidence, and engagement in active learning

Submission requirements

Please submit a description of your approach until October 19, 2020, following the structure below:

  • Title
  •  Learning goals and/or targeted learning processes 
  • Target groups (600 characters max)
  • Tool(s) (600 characters max)
  •  Procedure (elaborate so that a 3rd person could apply your approach) (6000 characters max)
  • Teacher scaffolds (instructions and examples, e.g. points for discussion) (1800 characters max)
  • Theoretical grounding and findings from (pilot) studies  (1800 characters max)
  • Additional resources that illustrate your approach (e.g. links or videos – please indicate availability and copyrights) (1800 characters max)
  • Tentative date for a presentation + Q&A in a live broadcast (please note, we aim to schedule your session according to your preferences, but cannot guarantee a certain time slot)
  •  Your affiliation, name, and email address (please do not forget this)


Application must be submitted prior to 11:59 PM of Pacific Daylight Time of the due date, October 19th, 2020 (DEADLINE EXTENDED).
Application materials must be submitted online at https://forms.gle/ZsCjMiyDFUCe8yUz8
Please note that you need to agree with the following points: The live broadcast is supposed to take 60 min including presentation and Q&A. The live broadcast will be recorded and uploaded on the NAPLeS website (http://isls-naples.psy.lmu.de/) as an open educational resource together with the description of your approach, slides, and any additional resources, such as links, videos, and illustrations you can add.

Review Process

The proposals will be reviewed by the CSCL committee regarding fit with the call, theoretical grounding, feasibility, and innovation.

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