ICLS 2012 Sydney

The University of Sydney will be hosting 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS2012) from July 2 to 6, 2012. ICLS is a biennial conference bringing together researchers in the sciences of learning, instruction, and design. Since being founded in 1991, the conference has developed a reputation as a leading international scientific meeting for researchers in the learning sciences, other academics, and professionals to gather to share experiences and examine key trends in the learning sciences. On this, its tenth anniversary and the first time the conference has been hosted in the Asia-Pacific region, ICLS looks forward with its theme “The Future of Learning“.

Sponsored by the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) and hosted in 2012 by the Centre for Research on Computer Supported Learning and Cognition (CoCo) at the University of Sydney, ICLS 2012 will take place in Sydney, Australia. Conference highlights include keynote presentations by leaders in their fields, including Janet Kolodner, Pierre Dillenbourg, Judy Kay, and Manu Kapur, and a Presidential Panel Session on the Future of Learning. The program also includes 15 symposia, 120 papers, and 56 posters spread out over 8 parallel sessions. The conference will be preceded by 13 pre-conference workshops, including the Doctoral Consortium and Early Career Workshop. The conference is also well known for its social side, and will provide ample opportunities to network and mingle, including a lavish Gala Opening Night and a dinner cruise on the Sydney Harbour.

ICLS will take place in the state-of-the-art New Law Building and Eastern Avenue Complex at the University just outside Sydney central business district. ICLS 2012 will bring together researchers, academics, professionals, and educators from all over the world to share their experiences, discuss trends, and examine how the learning sciences can and should impact the future of learning. We hope you will be able to join us!

For more information see http://www.isls.org/icls2012

To register see http://www.isls.org/icls2012/submit

It was good to meet you at AERA. Safe travels.

DR. MICHAEL J. JACOBSON | Professor and Chair of Education
Co-director, Centre for Computer Supported Learning and Cognition (CoCo)
Deputy Director, Institute for Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education

Program Chair, International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2012, Sydney

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