ijCSCL: New Editors-in-Chief
The International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) has concluded the search for a new Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL). Information about the call can be found here: https://www.isls.org/news/call-for-ijcscl-editor-in-chief). We are happy to announce that Carolyn Rosé (Carnegie Mellon University, US) and Sanna Järvelä (University of Oulu, Finland) will serve as the new co-editors of ijCSCL for 2020-2023.
The incoming ijCSCL Editors-in-Chief will begin working with the outgoing Editor-in-Chief (Sten Ludvigsen) and the ijCSCL Executive Editors for transitioning into the position. The first journal issue for which the incoming Editors will be responsible is March 2020.