ISLS 2022: Pre-Conference Workshops and Tutorials

The pre-conference workshops take place prior to the main conference and are spread out over several days and at different times to accommodate participants from around the globe. The workshops are scheduled between Monday, May 30–Saturday, June 4. There will be 9 different workshops this year. Individuals who have registered for the ISLS Annual Meeting 2022 may register for free.

For more information regarding the pre-conference workshops and tutorials, please visit the ISLS Annual Meeting 2022 website: 

Title (organizers)Date (2022)Time (in JST | GMT+9) converterRegistration Link
Infrastructuring for Knowledge Building: A Workshop Synthesizing CSCL Perspectives (organized by Yotam Hod, Bodong Chen, Etan Cohen, Shiri Kashi, Guangji Yuan & Alwyn Lee)
Abstract: The theory and practice of knowledge building is one of the most well-known and influential educational approaches seeking to foster a culture of creativity, collaboration, and innovation in classrooms. To date, knowledge building research has focused on the socio-cognitive and technological dynamics required to sustain knowledge building but has not focused specifically on the unique infrastructures that enable them. To contribute new ideas that can advance our understanding of what and how infrastructures enable knowledge building, this workshop will explore and synthesize ongoing research that includes a variety of examples that deal with and conceptualize knowledge building infrastructures. The workshop is organized into four sections, with both pre- and post-activities, and have three types of participants: invited speakers; key contributors; and active participants. Ultimately, the goal is to find ways to widen participation in knowledge building endeavors within existing or new implementations across the world. 
May 3010-1AMRegister Here
Platformization in and of Education: Exploring a New Research Agenda (organized by Crina Damsa, Julian Sefton-Green, Ola Erstad, Thomas Hillman, Christoph Richter & Niels Kerssens)
Abstract: The implications of platformization and datafication for learning has recently seen an increase in scholarly attention within both the Learning Sciences and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning communities. One of the biggest concerns for this emerging field of research is that learning in a context of digital platforms lacks robust theorization and empirical knowledge that informs research and practice. The primary aim of this workshop is to inquire into the role of digital platforms in the everyday and learning lives of people, and to explore how processes of platformization in education and learning can be studied empirically. We will identify shared interests and research questions for developing a joint research agenda and lay the conceptual groundwork for creating a network of scholars contributing to research on platformization in education that bridges the Learning Sciences and CSCL communities. The workshop will include a combination of activities in small groups for a more in-depth exploration of particular questions, and plenary activities for sharing of ideas across the groups.
May 30Part I: 3-8PM AND Part II: 11-4AMRegister Here
AI and Educational Policy (organized by Leah M. Friedman,  Dalila Dragnić-Cindrić, Michael Alan Chang, Deblina Pakhira, Judi Fusco, Erin Walker, & Jeremy Roschelle)
Abstract: Amidst a constantly evolving landscape of policies surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), learning scientists have an important role to play in ensuring that AI is appropriately developed for creating equitable and desirable educational futures. This pre-conference workshop on AI and Education Policy brings Learning Scientists into a global policy discussion and encourages participants to develop personal plans of action for policy involvement. Results from this workshop include building capacity for policy work, compiling global policy takeaways, and other outcomes as defined by participants’ interest.
June 2nd10PMRegister Here
Mapping Posthuman Methodological Innovation in the Study of Learning (organized by Anna Keune, Paulina Ruiz-Cabello, Kylie Peppler, Kerry Chappell & Jennifer Rowsell)
Abstract: With an increasing interest in posthumanist approaches to learning, this workshopseeks to gather methodological innovation based on these approaches. While there has beensome exploration on how researchers are using and defining posthumanist methodologicalapproaches and methods the time is right to move towards a deeper examination of particularmethodological decisions and innovation. The present workshop will create a space forresearchers at different stages of their careers to map posthumanist methodological innovationsand how they drive the analysis of complex educational relationships across matter and people.
May 313-5PMRegister Here
Using Network Analysis to Develop Design Moves in Design-Based Research (organized byJonan Donaldson, William Cameron Walker, Yingying Zhao & Sean Kao)
Abstract: This workshop seeks to involve participants in developing an innovative strategy for creation of data-grounded design moves in DBR studies investigating learning experience designs based on our preliminary work using network analysis methods. This workshop will hopefully result in development of an innovative analytical process to be used by DBR researchers when developing design moves. We will invite workshop participants to continue collaboration beyond the workshop to produce an academic journal article for dissemination of the new process. 
Option A: May 31 OR Option B:June 3 Option A: 7-11PM | Option B: 8-12PMRegister Here
Technology in the Margins: Queer and Trans Technologies to Support Reorienting Toward LGBTQ2S+ Solidarity (organized by Dylan Paré, Scout Windsor & John Craig)
Abstract: Equity-oriented Learning Sciences scholars are turning their research focus and practice towards solidarity with and for marginalized people, but what does that look like when creating technology-mediated learning environments? This workshop seeks to establish a transdisciplinary epistemology that grounds the design of technology-mediated, constructionist learning environments in queer and trans perspectives. In this workshop, participants will engage with three example queer and trans technologies. To begin, they will critically examine and interact with film, virtual reality and interactive computer simulations that share stories of LGBTQ2S+ experience. Next, participants will collaboratively produce principles applicable to Learning Sciences researchers and educators that address how to ethically engage in design work that advances justice-oriented issues for marginalized people, particularly LGBTQ2S+ people. The facilitators each have four years of experience creating interactive technologies for learning about social issues. The first author has an additional 12 years of experience teaching about gender and sexuality. 
June 27-10AMRegister Here
Dynamic Researcher Positionality in the Human and Political Endeavor to Study Learning (organized by Ali R. Blake, Rishi Krishnamoorthy, Sarah Radke, Molly Shea, Leah Teeters, Wendy Barrales, Jasmine Y. Ma, A. Susan Jurow & Molly L. Kelton)

Abstract: Through this workshop participants will attune to researcher positionality across the research process in the learning sciences. There is no neutral research process or researcher; for those who recognize research methods as interpretive, it is explicit that what some may call “bias” and others may call positionality–researchers’ shifting identities, values, goals, and relationships with and within a research setting–has everything to do with what gets studied, where, what data get collected, the process and outcome of analysis and interpretation, and what the final representations of findings look like. We consider positionalities to be dynamically shifting across timescales, and constituted by a complexity of multiple identities. While social positionings are certainly historically and culturally situated, they are simultaneously (re)produced, contested, and transformed in ongoing activity and interaction across multiple intersecting axes. Through this pre-conference workshop we aim to gather learning scientists to expansively consider the reasons for and practices of taking researcher positionality seriously in our work with the aim that as scholars with many positions we can (i) share in thinking through ways positionality is shaping current projects and (ii) synthesize from the questions, tensions, and considerations across our projects to articulate steps forward for the field. 
June 2 AND June 312-2AMRegister Here
Exploring the Bridge Between Educational Neuroscience and Learning Sciences in Knowledge Building Classrooms (organized by Chew Lee Teo, Guangji Katherine Yuan & Nastassja F Lopes)
Abstract: The Learning Sciences investigate all aspects of learning, key to which is a consideration of all ecological factors and establishing the ecological validity of research in authentic settings. Educational Neuroscience has surfaced micro-level evidence to the various constructs explored in the Learning Sciences but with quite distinct methodologies and interpretations. The rapid development in both Learning Science and Neuroscience research presents new opportunities to amalgamate these two fields. This workshop invites researchers from both fields to discuss the potential and gaps in the integration of the research processes, the related theoretical and methodological perspectives of these two fields. We will discuss and demonstrate methods to measure cognitive, psychological, and neurological data in an authentic Knowledge Building classroom, mapping constructs and variables to integrate the intricate research processes across both fields. 
June 39-10PMRegister Here
Centring of Living, Mattering of Lives: Methodological and Transformative Possibilities for Socially Just STEM Education Research (organized by Sarah El Halwany, Jennifer D. Adams, Sophia Marlow, Nadia Qureshi, Maria Prieto, Kristal Turner, Claire Paton & Rachael Edino)
Abstract: This half-day workshop explored limits and possibilities of centring participants’ lifeworld experiences especially relevant for socially just STEM education research. Attendees took part in an immersive, digital exhibit that brought forth questions, tensions and possibilities for how to engage with research participants and with data in ethical, collaborative and creative ways. The digital exhibit entangled data from a research survey that aimed to explore BIPOC students’ experiences in postsecondary STEM contexts with our own personal encounters with artistic installations and media forms that have direct and indirect connotations to issues of inclusion, exclusion, (dis)comfort, difference, and transformation. We invited participants to expand this exhibit in ways that validated knowledge from different sources, foregrounding their subjectivities while generating pedagogical and methodological considerations for social justice approaches in STEM/science education.
Option A: June 3 OR Option B:June 4 Option A: 7-9AM | Option B: 12-2AMOption A: Register Here
Option B: Register Here

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