ISLS 2023 Proceedings Now Available
Dear ISLS members,
We are pleased to announce that all ISLS 2023 proceedings are now available at:
As in previous years, there are three distinct proceedings derived from respective programs. Accepted long, short, symposia, technology innovation, and practice-oriented papers and posters are published in two separate proceedings for the ICLS and CSCL programs, respectively:
- 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) – Proceedings
- 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) – Proceedings
The General Proceedings comprise the cross-cutting, joint events of the ISLS Annual Meeting: Keynotes, Special Sessions, Pre-Conference Workshops, Mentoring Workshops (Doctoral Consortium, Early Career Workshop, Mid Career Workshop), and Interactive Tools & Demos:
- 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) – General Proceedings
All three are now posted online, including prefaces written by our program co-chairs and LOC, and specific formatting for “how to cite”.
We would like to thank those involved in the important and labor-intensive work of curating and editing the proceedings. In an effort to streamline this complex task we have piloted some initial efforts at automation this year which we hope will make the process more efficient in years to come. We will be uploading all papers to the ISLS repository soon, now that the proceedings are done.
Wishing you all the best, and hoping to see you in Buffalo next year.
Jim Slotta and Liz Charles
ISLS 2023 Local Organizing Committee