ISLS Annual Meeting 2023 Hardship Fund

We understand that many people around the world are facing financial challenges right now. Therefore, the ISLS has made additional funds available to support individuals facing financial hardship to enable more equitable access to our ISLS Annual Meeting 2023. The support is designed for individuals who have an accepted contribution to any of the conference categories (paper, poster, symposium, pre-conference workshop proposal, interactive tools & demos proposal) and would not be able to present without added financial support. 

The society has allotted a specified sum for this purpose and will provide the funds on a first come first serve basis. The total sum people can apply for is 500 USD. Only members who are attending the conference in person are eligible for economic support. Our strong hope is that any members who can, will use institutional or project funds first. These support funds are intended to minimize personal financial burdens rather than institutional (e.g., university) ones.

To apply for hardship funds, please fill in the specified information in the following FORM. If there are other specific questions, circumstances or concerns connected to this, please contact [email protected].

ISLS Hardship Sub-committee 2023

Chandan Dasgupta
Rita Kizito
Oskar Lindwall
Aireale J. Rodgers
Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur

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