ISLS Conference Travel Scholarship 2017
The goal of the ISLS conference travel scholarship is to support scientists in the field of the learning sciences who live and work in regions of the world that are not represented at our annual conferences (i.e., ICLS and CSCL) to attend the conference. At the moment, we have significant gaps in membership from African, and Central and South American countries. We also have underrepresentation in some southern European countries where we know that learning sciences programs exist.
To increase the diversity of the Society’s membership, we are soliciting applications for a conference scholarship to be awarded to successful applicants in the amount of $500 – $1000.
Applicants are asked to submit a 2-page electronic document that fulfills the criteria listed below as well as a current CV.
The application process will open February 10, 2017 and close March 3, 2017. Applicants will be notified by March 30, 2017.
The 2-page application should include:
- Proof that the applicant has submitted a conference proposal as an author or co-author, and/or show that they are a graduate student, faculty member, or professional in a learning sciences research organization who has not attended an ISLS conference in the past. Proof of proposal submission can be in the form of an email response appended to the 2-page application. Proof that the applicant is part of a learning sciences research organization who has not attended this conference in the past can be in the form of a short letter from the student’s advisor or from a faculty member’s department chair appended to the 2-page application.
- A description of the applicant’s geographic location as being underrepresented in participation in ISLS conferences (e.g., South and Central America including Mexico, and Africa). Applicants must currently live and work in such a place.
- Explanation of need for travel funds, e.g., few travel resources from the applicant’s home institution, cost of travel, etc.
- Information about how the conference attendance will impact the applicant’s ongoing research and professional work. For example:
- The applicant’s research focus and how it is related to the learning sciences
- Interest in meeting other learning scientists to network and grow academically
- A plan for the applicant to disseminate what they learned at the conference in their local community. How will what is learned at the conference be disseminated, e.g., with local course participants, informal seminars, or reports to their research group?
Please submit your application package to [email protected] no later than midnight (applicant’s local time) March 3, 2017. Please put “ISLS Travel Scholarship” in the subject line of the email.
For further inquiries, please send correspondence to Jan van Aalst at [email protected].
ISLS Membership Committee
February 7, 2017