ISLS Fellows 2024 Call for Nominations

We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2024 International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) fellows. The International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Fellows program has three main goals:

  1. Honor those who have made major research accomplishments in advancing the field of the Learning Sciences.
  2. Identify people who continue to take leadership roles in ISLS and serve as role models for others in the field.
  3. Build a respected cohort of leaders who sustain the ISLS community and advance its broader value and visibility.

Those selected as ISLS Fellows are expected to play key service roles in the Society going forward, such as mentoring of junior and mid-career scholars in the field, serving on a program committee for Society conferences, reviewing for or editing Society journals, participating in doctoral, early career, and mid-career consortia, and communicating findings from the field to policy and other broad audience. Such service is critical to maintaining the vitality of our community and to affirming this community’s long-standing commitment to supporting the careers of students and early- and mid-career scholars.

As diversity is a strength of any professional society and critical to ours, our goal is that each cohort and the group of ISLS Fellows as a whole should reflect the international character and disciplinary diversity of the society (i.e., ISLS) and take steps toward representing world regions, racial and ethnic diversity, and disciplinary diversity in learning sciences by actively soliciting nominations of excellent scholars whose work might not be as widely known as those in dominant communities and long-participating geographical areas.

We invite nominations for the fifth cohort of ISLS fellows. Fellows must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a member at time of induction;
  2. Senior scholar as indicated by at least 8 years post Ph.D./Ed.D. or equivalent learning sciences accomplishments;
  3. Record of distinguished and sustained contributions to the learning sciences. (e.g., a high-impact portfolio of work, design of widely-used learning technologies); and
  4. Sustained leadership in the learning sciences community (e.g., through service to ISLS, high-profile mentoring roles, international community building, and/or journal editorial service)

Submitted nominations must include the following:

  • A letter of nomination that describes how the nominee meets the criteria (maximum length = 2 pages).
  • Current CV of the nominee
  • One example publication or link to creative product
  • 1 additional letter of support (maximum length = 1 page).

Criteria for Nominators and Support Letter Writers:

  • The nominator must be a current ISLS member, from an institution different from that of the nominee.
  • Nominators and writers of supporting letters should not have mentored or been the mentee of the individual being nominated
  • Either the nomination letter or the support letter must come from a current ISLS fellow. Each fellow may contribute no more than two letters in total [nomination or letter of support]. The list of current ISLS fellows may be found at

Nominations are due February 28, 2024, by 11:59pm

Send nominations to: [email protected] (ISLS Fellows Committee Past Chair)
With the subject line: ISLS FELLOWS NOMINEE: [Name of nominee]

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