JLS Volume 30, Issue 3, July-August 2021 is now available online
JLS Volume 30, Issue 3, July-August 2021 is online now, check out the articles:
- Experts’ reasoning about the replication crisis: Apt epistemic performance and actor-oriented transfer
Jeffrey A. Greene, Clark A. Chinn & Victor M. Deekens - A critical search for the learning object across school and out-of-school contexts: A case of entrepreneurship education Ritva Engeström & Leena Käyhkö
- “He got a glimpse of the joys of understanding” – The role of epistemic empathy in teacher learning Lama Z. Jaber
- Responsiveness and intellectual work: Features of mathematics classroom discourse related to student achievement Jessica Pierson Bishop
Report and Reflection:
- Zones of mathematical play Caro Williams-Pierce & Jordan T. Thevenow-Harrison
Read them all at www.tandfonline.com/toc/hlns20/30/3?nav=tocList