JLS Volume 31 Issue 3 (2022) is in print and online
JLS Volume 31, Issue 3 is available now, check out the articles:
Research Articles
1. Intelligent science exhibits: Transforming hands-on exhibits into mixed-reality learning experiences
Nesra Yannier, Kevin Crowley, Youngwook Do, Scott E. Hudson & Kenneth R. Koedinger
2. Scaffolding small groups at the group level: Improving the scaffolding behavior of mathematics teachers during mathematical discussions
Sharon M. Calor, Rijkje Dekker, Jannet P. van Drie & Monique L. L. Volman
3. Planning for student-driven discussions: A revelatory case of curricular sensemaking for epistemic agency
Kevin Cherbow & Katherine L. McNeill
Reports and Reflections
1. What kind of revolution? Thinking and rethinking educational technologies in the time of COVID-19
Gideon Dishon
Read them all at: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hlns20/current