JLS Volume 31 Issue 4/5 (2022) is in print and online

JLS Volume 31, Issue 3 is available now, check out the articles:

Research Articles

1. Material syntonicity: Examining computational performance and its materiality through weaving and sewing crafts
Anna Keune

2. What do correct answers reveal? The interpersonal and mathematical aspects of students’ interactions during groupwork in seventh grade mathematics
Anna F. DeJarnette

3. Preservice science teachers’ epistemological framing in their early teaching
Jihyun Chakrin & Todd Campbell

4. Voice as an interactional accomplishment in art making about social issues
Maggie Dahn

5. “They’re just students. There’s no clear distinction”: A critical discourse analysis of color-evasive, gender-neutral faculty discourses in undergraduate calculus instruction
R. Taylor McNeill, Luis A. Leyva & Brittany Marshall

Reports and Reflections

1. Productive failure and learning through argumentation: Building a bridge between two research traditions to understand the process of peer learning
Antonia Larrain, Valeska Grau, María José Barrera, Paulina Freire, Patricia López, Sebastián Verdugo, Marisol Gómez, Francisca Ramírez & Gabriel Sánchez

Read them all at: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hlns20/31/4-5?nav=tocList

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