JLS Volume 32 Issue 4-5 (2023) is in print and online
JLS Volume 32, Issue 4-5 is available now, check out the articles:
Research Articles
1. Reconfiguring science education through caring human inquiry and design with pets
Priyanka Parekh, Joseph L. Polman, Shaun Kane & R. Benjamin Shapiro
2. Interacting with nature in and through boundary crossing learning: A case of bioart-making
Päivikki Liukkonen, Henriikka Vartiainen, Sinikka Pöllänen & Sirpa Kokko
3. Ideological sensemaking in an elementary science professional development community
Bethany Daniel, Ashlyn E. Pierson & D. Teo Keifert
4. What pedagogy feels like: Teachers’ development of pedagogical empathy in rehearsal debriefs
Jen Munson & Erin E. Baldinger
Reports and Reflections: Three Decades of JLS
1. What happened to the interdisciplinary study of learning in humans and machines?
Shayan Doroudi
2. Belonging to a research-practice partnership: Lessons from 15 think-pieces about the COVID-19 pandemic and a call for action
Nathalie Popa, E. R. Anderson, J. Denner, S. McKenney & D. J. Peurach
Read them all at: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hlns20/current