JLS Volume 32 Issues 2 and 3 are in print and online
The Journal of Learning Sciences published two new issues recently.
Check out the articles from JLS Volume 32, Issue 2:
Research Articles
- Pedagogical sensemaking during side-by-side coaching: Examining the in-the-moment discursive reasoning of a teacher and coach
Jen Munson & Elizabeth B. Dyer - Prolepsis & telos: Interpreting pedagogy and recovering imagination in the mediation of youth learning
Tesha Sengupta-Irving, Lauren Vogelstein, Corey Brady & Emily Phillips Galloway - “We got so much better at reading each other’s energy”: Knowing, acting, and attuning as an improv ensemble
Kevin Leander, Laura Carter-Stone & Emma Supica
Report and Reflection
- Learning sciences and learning engineering: A natural or artificial distinction?
Victor R. Lee - Learning engineering: What it is, why I’m involved, and why I think more of you should be
Janet L. Kolodner
Read them all at: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hlns20/32/2?nav=tocList
Check out the articles from JLS Volume 32, Issue 3:
Research Articles
- Beyond the individual: The regulation and negotiation of socioemotional practices across a learning ecosystem
Marcela Borge & Yu Xia - The effect of language on the coherence of children’s conceptions of force
Dina B. Masri & Tamer G. Amin - From “Carrier” to “Creator”: The re-construction of national identity in more inclusive terms
Etan Cohen, Yotam Hod & Dani Ben-Zvi - Self-study enhances the learning effect of discussions
Jaeseo Lim & Jooyong Park
In Memoriam
The adventures of John Bransford: In memoriam
Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Brigid Barron, Nathalie Coté, Daniel Hickey, Xiaodong Lin, Mitchell Nathan, Na’ilah Nasir, Kieran O’Mahony, Roy Pea, William Penuel, Jeremy Roschelle, Nora Sabelli, Daniel Schwartz, Diana Sharp & Sashank Varma
Read them all at: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hlns20/32/3?nav=tocList