Journal of the Learning Sciences – Revised Instructions for Authors (January 2017)

The instructions for authors for Journal of the Learning Sciences (JLS) have recently been revised; please visit the journal website to familiarize yourself with the new requirements before you begin or submit a new manuscript. The changes mostly concern: (a) the length of manuscripts and what this includes, (b) blinding of manuscripts for peer review, and (c) an explanation of the peer review process. These changes are part of an effort to improve the peer review process. Regarding, the length of manuscripts, we will consider new and revised manuscripts following the previous instructions until June 30, 2017, but other changes take effect immediately.

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ISLS 2024 Reviewer Invitations

The ISLS 2024 team is thrilled to have received a large number of papers, posters, and symposia for this year’s annual meeting, a total of 893 submissions! We have currently sent out reviewer invitations to prior reviewers and 2024 submitters. If you fall under either of those categories and have NOT received an invitation and would like to volunteer, please check your email and spam folders.