Warning about Predatory Organizations

The growth of the Learning Sciences community has increased visibility and awareness of the work that we do. While it is leading to organizations engaging with the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), it also is leading to the creation of groups who have questionable intentions. Specifically, predatory conferences and businesses have emerged. Websites and social media profiles for these groups can be very deceptive. They often use terminology of the field and provide the names of actual institutions to suggest legitimacy when they are actually part of a dishonest scheme. Community members have identified some already.

Please be aware that ISLS-affiliated events and media will be identified as connected to the society and promoted through official communications channels, such as ISLS newsletters, emails, and social media posts. Given the interdisciplinary nature of our field, there are many legitimate activities, journals, conferences, businesses, and organizations that involve and support learning sciences research but are not affiliated with ISLS. Please exercise careful judgment when encountering unfamiliar events, publications, and organizations online.

Official ISLS Annual Meeting (includes ICLS and CSCL programs)
Bochum, Germany, June 7-11, 2021
Website: https://2021.isls.org
Twitter Account: @isls2021

ISLS Website: https://www.isls.org
ISLS Twitter Account: @islsnews
ISLS International Learning Sciences Student Association: @ISLS_ILSSA

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ISLS 2024 Reviewer Invitations

The ISLS 2024 team is thrilled to have received a large number of papers, posters, and symposia for this year’s annual meeting, a total of 893 submissions! We have currently sent out reviewer invitations to prior reviewers and 2024 submitters. If you fall under either of those categories and have NOT received an invitation and would like to volunteer, please check your email and spam folders.