Conversation Analysis/Ethnomethodological Approaches
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Syllabi and Slides
Conversation Analysis/Ethnomethodological Approaches slides by Tim Koschmann
Sample Transcript File
Video Resources
15 Minute Video
For a brief overview of Conversation Analysis/Ethnomethodological Approaches, watch the 2 minute introductory video featuring Tim Koschmann:
15 Minute Video
15 minutes about Conversation Analysis/Ethnomethodological Approaches featuring Tim Koschmann:
Interview with Tim Koschmann:
Watch the full webinar on Conversation Analysis/Ethnomethodological Approaches featuring Tim Koschmann:
Listen to the Conversation Analysis/Ethnomethodological Approaches webinar
- Koschmann, T. (2013). Conversation analysis and collaborative learning. In C. Hmelo-Silver, C. Chinn, C. Chan & A. O’Donnell (Eds.), International Handbook of Collaborative Learning (pp. 149-167). New York: Routledge.
- Koschmann, T., & Zemel, A. (2009). Optical pulsars and black arrows: Discoveries as occasioned productions. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 18, 200-246. [Access Online]
- Koschmann, T., & Zemel, A. (2011). “So that’s the ureter”: The informal logic of discovering work. Ethnographic Studies (No. 12), 31-46.
- Zemel, A., & Koschmann, T. (2011). Pursuing a question: Reinitiating IRE sequences as a method of instruction. Journal of Pragmatics, 43, 475-488.
- Zemel, A., & Koschmann, T. (2013). Recalibrating reference within a dual-space interaction environment. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 8, 65-87.